October 30, 2008

Anatomy with a touch of Vintage

His name is Christopher Elsasser and he runs his Etsy shop under the name munstre (pronounced Mun-stir). Most of his work is inspired by anatomy which, if you've ever visited my own Etsy shop, you'd know I've got a slight obsession with :)

Since starting in February 2008, Chris has already been featured in a couple gallery's, shops and even Juxtapoz Magazine.

You can also keep an eye out for his art in the upcoming Bruce Willis flick entitled "The Surrogates" ... I'd say hes doing very well for himself.


PurrPrints said...

Appropriate post for around Halloween--definitely has that creepy flair :)

Barry said...

Wow, what an arresting art style!

I'm so out of it I had to goggle Etsy to find out what it was.

Thank god for wikipeadia.